February 13 is the first day in our new building, located at 40 South Main Street, Miamisburg!
Sign up to help at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e44adad2eaafc1-jccchurch The Journey Community Church has a home!! We will be hosting a church building clean up on the dates (and times) listed below. You may sign up for as many slots as you like. We will organize small teams to accomplish varying tasks needed within the church to ready the… Continue Reading Church Building Prep
Mark your calendars now for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, to be held Friday, December 24!
JCC Student Ministry Christmas Party at the Lippincott’s. Please bring a white elephant gift ($10 limit) to exchange.
Please join us for a special time of extended worship and communion on Sunday, November 21.
Derick and Becky Shepherd are hosting The Shepherd Community Group in Springboro on Sunday nights, going from September 5 to November 7. The current study is by J.D. Greear in the book of Ephesians.• Click here to read the description of the study and to download handouts.• Click here to sign up for the Community… Continue Reading Shepherd Community Group
Kenny and Madison Duff are hosting The Duff Community Group in Germantown on Thursday nights, going from September 9 to November 4. The current study is by J.D. Greear in the book of Ephesians.• Click here to read the description of the study and to download handouts.• Click here to sign up for the Community… Continue Reading Duff Community Group
Get ready for Monster Mash 2021, October 30. Kids – put on your costumes and get ready for fun! We’ll have a live DJ, lots of fun games, tons of free candy, and train rides!
Sunday, October 16, the Student Ministry will be participating in a special Haunted House event, called Pergamum:Where the Dead come to Life. More details will be available as the event gets closer.
The Journey is participating in The Great Pumpkin Roll Festival, Saturday, October 16. We need volunteers to host a trunk-or-treat vehicle. Set up will be from 3:30-4:30. Trunk-or-Treat begins at 5:00. More general details about The Great Pumpkin Roll Festival can be found on the City of Franklin website.