Mark 16:9-20, 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Foundational Truths to Embrace We can trust God’s Word to affect our lives. We can trust God’s Word to prepare us for mission. (2 Timothy 3:17)
1 Timothy 2:1-8 The next step to becoming a gospel neighbor is to… Ask God to grow your heart so full of love for that person that there is no room for fear. (1 John 4:17-21)
Matthew 22:34-40 Gospel neighboring requires… How do you do this?
Jody Philippians 2:3-4 Sherri Psalm 37:4
Romans 12:9-21 Ways to Respond When You’ve Been Wronged…
Romans 12:3-8 Review Spiritual Gifts Found in Four Places Spiritual Gifts Divided into Three Categories Step #1 in a Surrendered Life That Serves is… Step #2 in a Surrendered Life That Serves is… Step #3 in a Surrendered Life That Serves is… Three Basic Truths Spiritual Gifts in Romans 12
Romans 12:1-2 What not to do: What you should do:
Guest Speaker Alan Jarboe 2. New hearts in place of hard hearts. 3. The Holy Spirit indwells us and takes us into obedient lifestyles
Romans 12:1-2 Real change happens when… Total surrender happens when:
Romans 12