We seek to make disciples who are
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Giving, and Going
Summer Psalms

Summer Psalm Week 2

Heart that Seeks After God Part 2 Psalm 63 How does a person seek after God? Navigate the wilderness wisely* Seek the Lord* Bless the Lord* Meditate on word* Rejoice in advance Seek God by integrating Him into every area of your life What are barriers to seeking after God?* Hurry* Rebellion* Pride (James 4:6)

Joy Ride - A JOURNEY through the book of Philippians

Joy Ride Final Week

All In Philippians 4:14-20 Your giving is the Great CommissionShould be focused on spreading the Gospel.Investing in eternity When we give God gives back (part credit)Proverbs 11:24-25; 2 Corinthians 9:6When you sacrificially give your treasure in heaven is the response.God gives back to you. Our giving transforms usWe become like what we worship.Sacrificial giving fragrant… Continue Reading Joy Ride Final Week

Joy Ride - A JOURNEY through the book of Philippians

Joy Ride Week 12

All I Need is All I Have Philippians 4:10-13 Contentment should be defining characteristic of every Christian. Culture constantly sold dissatisfaction. Contentment shouldn’t be focused on things in this world that are going to burn up and won’t last. Contentment is a choice not a trait. (v. 11-12) Lacking contentment is not an environmental issue. (v.11-12)It’s… Continue Reading Joy Ride Week 12

Joy Ride - A JOURNEY through the book of Philippians

Joy Ride Week 11

Overcoming Emotional Instability Philippians 4:1-9 1) Problem – out of control anxiety Matthew 6:25-34Until you get to the root of the problem that problem is going to consistently get bigger and bigger. Gauges: Quit being so grumpy/moody based on circumstances v.4 Don’t be abrasive and hard to deal with v. 5No matter what, God is sovereign.… Continue Reading Joy Ride Week 11

Joy Ride - A JOURNEY through the book of Philippians

Joy Ride Week 10

Stuck Philippians 3:12-16 Guest speaker Derick Shepherd You’re either surviving in the Christian life or thriving. We should all be thriving. Never be satisfiedIt’s not about your performance. Don’t compare yourself to other believers. When you begin to compare you become self satisfied. What are you DEVOTED to?Don’t get distracted. Identity in Christ DIRECTION – never look… Continue Reading Joy Ride Week 10

Joy Ride - A JOURNEY through the book of Philippians

Joy Ride Week 9

Philippians 3:1-11 Guest Speaker Brad Cunningham Joy is often found in ways we would assume we couldn’t attain it. Joy cannot be discovered or developed externally.We’re looking for joy in all wrong places.If it doesn’t lead to Jesus it won’t lead to joy.Joy is not an option in the Christian life.Lifestyle of joy that should… Continue Reading Joy Ride Week 9

Joy Ride - A JOURNEY through the book of Philippians

Joy Ride Week 8

Benefits of Working Out Spiritually Philippians 2:12-18 Working out your salvation: 1. Work it out PRACTICALLY v. 12-13 Anytime you add to grace, it’s no longer grace.  Two Biblical assurances of salvation Enduring faith Producing fruit (Romans 1, Galatians 5, Hebrews 13). 2. Work it out JOYFULLY v. 14-16 If we’re going to make an… Continue Reading Joy Ride Week 8