We seek to make disciples who are
Gathering, Growing,
Giving, and Going

The Big Reveal

https://fb.watch/6oonaswQIp/ Matthew 28:16-20 The church is a missional organization.The church IS the mission.Matthew 28:16-20 The early church was attractive.Acts 2:42-47• Deeply devoted to each other• Better together• Radical generosity• Supernatural boldness They shared hope with hurting people. What happened? We are overcommitted. We have a poor theology of salvation. How do we fix it? Pray… Continue Reading The Big Reveal

Dear Church Week 6: Would Jesus Join Our Church?

https://fb.watch/5yaa8qAYWK/ Revelation 3:7-13 What Kind of Church Would Jesus Join: Jesus values FAITHFULNESS.Jesus is not looking for a fan club. He’s looking for followers.Faithfulness is more important than significance. Jesus deeply values the authority of scripture. How do we treasure God’s word: Seek its wisdom in EVERY area of our life. Submit ourselves to the… Continue Reading Dear Church Week 6: Would Jesus Join Our Church?

Dear Church Week 5: The Walking Dead

https://fb.watch/5oUv5M4RcN/ Revelation 3:1-61 Religious activity disguises spiritual death! v.1 Mercy is often available before judgement! v.2-3 Spiritual growth is a personal choice! v.4-5 Potential Outcomes: Miss out on deep, abiding relationship with Christ Crushed when suffering comes Setting yourself up to be spiritually deceived. Ephesians. 4:11-14

Dear Church Week 4: Hang on for Dear Life

https://fb.watch/5oUoXTCPHw/ Revelation 2:18-29 Be wise regarding compromise! v. 20-21If we are not careful in the area of compromise, we will end up in hot water and not even realize it until it’s too late.Scripture teaches an exclusive gospel, yet we live in an inclusive culture. We need to stand firm on what the Bible teaches.God hates sin,… Continue Reading Dear Church Week 4: Hang on for Dear Life

Dear Church Week 3: Contextualized or Compromised

https://fb.watch/56LSboBV8c/ Contextualized or Compromised Revelation 2:12-17 Faithful living is possible in worldly conditions! v.12-131 Corinthians 10:13Truth trancends culture. Don’t be deceived about bad company! v.14-16, Titus 3:9-11, 1 Corinthians 15:33 4 Questions to avoid compromise: Does the Bible clearly speak against it? Have I sought godly counsel about it? Does wisdom caution to avoid it? Does… Continue Reading Dear Church Week 3: Contextualized or Compromised