Grace, but how? Galatians 2:15-21 If grace is not true… How does a person get right with God?Galatians 2:16Romans 3:22-24Philippians 3:8-9 How do we live?Galatians 2:17-20 Simply Free Galatians 2:13-14 Grace Killers Hypocrisy – vs. 13-14How does hypocrisy manifest itself? Traditionalism Key Principles about exercising Christian liberty If it’s doubtful, don’t do itRomans 14:23 Always ask what the wisest choice is1 Corinthians 6:12 Avoid anything that could enslave you1 Corinthians 6:12 Avoid anything that could cause someone to stumble1 Corinthians… Continue Reading Free at Last – Week 4
No video was recorded for this day. Grace Killers: Galatians 2:11-12 Spiritual Bullies What are the primary strategies of spiritual bullies? Taking Scripture out of context Making applications beyond the text
No video was recorded for this day. Galatians 2:1-10 Realize that there is a battle for grace in the church – verse 3-4 Be willing to fight for your freedom – verse 5, Romans 14:19 Be willing to go beyond the boundaries of prejudice – verses 6, 9-10 Grace Got You! When we add to grace, it is no longer grace, verses 6-7, Romans 11:6, Romans 5:1-2 – grace is the foundation for Christian life• Poor teaching about grace in the local church• Poor modeling of grace in our homes Judgment awaits those who distort grace, verses 8-9 Becoming the church…BETTER Colossians 4:2-6 3 Steps to Being the Church…Better Learn to take prayer seriously, verse 2-3 Act wisely, verse 5 Speak wisely, verse 6 Choose Wisely Proverbs 3:1-8 Being a Difference Maker John 8:1-11 When making a difference… Run towards people, not away from themJohn 8:3-5, Matthew 9:9-13 Care more about them than what they are doingJohn 8:9 Give them what they needJohn 8:11 Ways to engage people in the culture around you Start conversations Hang out with people who enjoy the… Continue Reading Church on Purpose – Week 3
Guest Speaker Steve Hopkins