Watch the message on Facebook at Guest Speaker: Pastor Michael Callahan Matthew 26:26-46
Guest Speaker: Dr Rich Holcombe Mark 1
Guest Speaker: Brad Cunningham Matthew 5:43-48
1 Peter 4:7-11 Until He Comes… Get serious about prayer.1 Peter 4:7First, “Be alert.” Keep our wits about us, or be sensible.Second, “Be sober-minded.” Literally means, don’t be drunk, but also be alert and self-controlled. Don’t hold grudges.1 Peter 4:8Love is not a warm, fuzzy feeling. Rather, it takes sustained, strenuous effort.Four guidelines on whether… Continue Reading Changed+Chosen, Until He Comes
1 Peter 5:1-11 Five Steps for Getting to the Good Stuff Step 1: Find a guide1 Peter 5:2-3When life turns up the heat, run to the church, not away from it. Step 2: Humbly take their advice1 Peter 5:5Humility comes from a proper understanding of the grace of God. Everything is a gift. Nothing is… Continue Reading Changed+Chosen, Getting to the Good Stuff
1 Peter 4:12-19 Hard times are normal.1 Peter 4:12 Hard times are a gift.1 Peter 4:13-14• Hard times lead us to deeper fellowship with Christ.• Hard times lead us to a deeper level of joy at His coming. 1 Peter 4:13b, Romans 8:18•Hard times lead us to a deeper experience of God’s Spirit. 1 Peter… Continue Reading Changed+Chosen, Hard Truths for Hard Times
1 Peter 3:13-17 Do you believe the statement that God is good all the time? The WHAT of suffering What is suffering? It is literally training in righteousness. It is difficult things that God sovereignly allows in our life that grows us and shapes us. The WHO of suffering Who will suffer? All who desire… Continue Reading Changed+Chosen, God is Good…All the Time
1 Peter 3:1-7 Jesus is made attractive in marriage by… A wife who is trustworthy and respectful.1 Peter 3:2 A wife who works harder on her character than her appearance.1 Peter 3:3-4 A husband who submits to his wife’s needs.1 Peter 3:7
1 Peter 3:1-7 Jesus is made attractive in marriage by… A wife who embraces her husband’s leadership.1 Peter 3:11 Corinthians 7:13-14Three ways we get it wrong regarding leadership and submission:• Misapplying the application (1 Peter 3:)• Husbands demanding submission (Ephesians 5:25, 1 Peter 3:7)• Wives viewing submission as a reward (Ephesians 5:22-24)
Watch online at 1 Peter 2:13-25 Four Principles for Biblical Submission Submitting to others is submitting to God.Verses 13-14 Submission brings freedom.Verses 16-17 Submission is not conditional.Verses 18-20 Submission makes you more like Jesus.Verses 21-23