Overcoming Emotional Instability
Philippians 4:1-9
1) Problem – out of control anxiety
Matthew 6:25-34
Until you get to the root of the problem that problem is going to consistently get bigger and bigger.
- Quit being so grumpy/moody based on circumstances v.4
- Don’t be abrasive and hard to deal with v. 5
No matter what, God is sovereign. God’s plan is going to come through. - Prescription – operate out of what we know to be true instead of what feel to be true.
Christians who are mature live off commitments and convictions based on scripture.
Actions take:
- Prayer and thanksgiving
Present – submission God’s sovereignty
Future – trust God’s sufficiency for spiritual battle - Meditation – focused thinking 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Most effective weapon can have against anxiety.
Greatest aid in memorization. Can’t meditate on scripture can’t recall. - Prognosis – peace
Peace is what happens when you make choice to pray with thanksgiving and meditate upon God’s word.