Psalm 19:1-14
The Bible is completely sufficient for equipping us to understand God and how man relates to God and how God relates to man.
The Bible is the final authority on matters of faith.
The Bible is comprehensive but it is not exhaustive.
God’s Word is sufficient for…
- Transforming me internally.
Psalm 19:7a, Proverbs 4:23 - Growing me in wisdom.
Psalm 19:7b
Emotions don’t clarify choices, they cloud them. - Increasing my joy.
Psalm 19:8a, Psalm 119:50 - Offering clarity in my life.
Psalm 19:8b, Psalm 119:105 - Keeping me connected to God.
Psalm 19:9a - Providing standards of justice.
Psalm 19:9b
- Desire His Word, Psalm 19:10
- Respond with how we live, Psalm 19:11
- Watch for hidden sins, Psalm 19:12
- Watch for sins of action, Psalm 19:13
- Watch for sins of attitude, Psalm 19:14
Hebrews 4:12
My hope is
- Your confidence in Scripture is increased so you depend on them for everything you need when it comes to the knowledge of God and how God relates to man and man relates to God.
- Your confidence in God’s all-sufficient Word will grow your confidence in Jesus as the all-sufficient Savior, because He is the central message of the sufficient Word.