Biblical Hope Confident expectation that God can and will keep His promises. Why do Christians have hope? Rescued from our past!Lamentations 3:21-24Hebrews 6:19 We’re assured of our future!Titus 3:4-7Ephesians 1:16-21 Biblical Hope Confident expectation that God can and will keep His promises. Why do Christians have hope? Rescued from our past!Lamentations 3:21-24Hebrews 6:19 We’re assured of our future!Titus 3:4-7Ephesians 1:16-21 John 1:1-14 Three Gifts God Gave Us Light where there was darkness.Jesus drives out darkness of sin.Jesus chases out darkness of death. Open InvitationVerses 7, 12 HimselfVerse 14
Making Your Life Count Matthew 5:13-16 As a follower of Christ, do I aggravate and annoy others? Labels that SHOULD NOT describe us: Angry Christians 1 Thesolonians 2:7-8 Stuck up Christians Philippians 2:3 Fake Christians Matthew 23:23-38 As a follower of Christ, do I affect and attract others? Labels that SHOULD describe us: Committed… Continue Reading Greatest Gift Ever Week 1
Guest Speaker Fredrick Clement 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 New You A new creation means a new person. A new creation means a new purpose. A new creation means a new perspective.
Three steps to becoming an effective missionary Colossians 4:2-6 Be intentional about prayer. (v.2-3) Don’t do dumb things. (v.5) Don’t say dumb things. (v.6)
The Right Attitude About Authority, Part 2 Colossians 3:18-4:1
Colossians 3:18-4:1 Right attitude about authority requires: Wives submitting to your husbands voluntarily. (v.18)* Submission does not cancel out equality.* Submission is not permission to abuse. Husbands loving your wife joyfully. (v.19)* Love is activity. Activity is self sacrifice. Children to obey their parents completely. (v.20)* Listen to your parents.* God has placed them as… Continue Reading Rooted Week 11
Colossians 3:12-17 Appropriate Attire Requires: Dressing the part convincingly (v.12-13)* Gentleness/meekness- strength under control* Patience – controlling desire to want to lose it* Bear with each other – uphold and support somebody else* Forgiveness* Love What Forgiveness is NOT: Ignoring the issue Downplaying the hurt Forgetting What Forgiveness Is: A decision* Not going to bring… Continue Reading Rooted Week 10 Colossians 3:8-15 Personal Holiness Requires us to: 3) Cast aside sinful speech. Three Motives: Anger – smoldering resenting bitterness Wrath – quick bitter anger flames up Malice – fostering of ill will; desire to injure Three Habits Slander – destroying someone behind their back Filthy language – shameful or obscene speech Lying How to… Continue Reading Rooted Week 9