Psalm 85:1-8 Truths About Revival Revival is a God-sent gift to the people of GodVerses 6-7a Revival comes to those who hunger to hear from GodVs 8What keeps us from hearing from God?• Sin; James 4:8• Busyness Revival is preceded by getting rid of idolsVs 9 Tools of Revival ConfessionVs 2-3To confess is to agree… Continue Reading State of the Church, Part 2 Go 1 Peter 1:22-25 Three Truths Motivate Us to Go Urgently: God uses people to rescue other people v.2 People are lost apart from a faith in Christ Those not rescued will be separated from God forever in hell
Growing Relationally 1 John 3:11-18 Relationships are Essential Why are relationships essential? Relationships can help confirm your salvation. V 14, 16-18 Relationships keep me from giving in to sin.Who is helping you fight against sin?
Gather Hebrews 10:23-25 Why does gathering faithfully matter: Faithfully gathering is the JOURNEY to ENGAGEMENT. Faithfully gathering is the primary reason for GROWING towards MINISTRY and MISSION!Ephesians 4:11-12