We seek to make disciples who are
Gathering, Growing,
Giving, and Going

Sermons by Shawn Acrey (Page 8)

Moving Forward

Moving Forward: A Heart Like His

2 Corinthians 9:1-8 What? What does the Bible teach about giving? How?How should we give?• Give to your local church first.•Give regularly and deliberately.• Give sacrificially and cheerfully. Why?Why should we be motivated to give beyond the tithe?• Generous giving makes grace tangible to the world. Why not?What stops people from pursuing radical generosity?• There… Continue Reading Moving Forward: A Heart Like His

Moving Forward

Moving Forward: Building a Life of Faith

Hebrews 11 What does it take to please God? Learning to Live By Faith Faith is believing when I don’t see. Faith is obeying when I don’t understand it.Hebrews 11:7Faith always involves risk. Faith is persisting when I don’t feel like it.Mature people live by their commitments, not their emotions..Hebrews 11:27 Faith is trusting when… Continue Reading Moving Forward: Building a Life of Faith

Bulls Eye Living

Bulls Eye Living: How to Trust God

Proverbs 3:1-8 Intimacy with God is the goal, obedience is the overflow. Psalms is vertical wisdom (relating wisely to God) Proverbs is horizontal wisdom (wisdom dealing with people) Grow in your confidence in the character of God.Proverbs 3:5; trust God with all that you have because you know His proven track record. Grow in your… Continue Reading Bulls Eye Living: How to Trust God