We seek to make disciples who are
Gathering, Growing,
Giving, and Going

Sermons by Shawn Acrey (Page 16)

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 1

https://www.facebook.com/TheJourneyCommunityChurch/videos/412889570012361/ 2 Peter 1:1-11 3 Steps to Growing in Confidence in Christ: Decide that Jesus is sufficient for everyday life. v. 3-4 You have to work to appropriate what you have! v. 5a The payoff: usefulness and assurance v. 8-10 The assurance of your salvation comes from the evidence of it not the experience.

Journey 4.0

Journey 4.0 Week 4

https://www.facebook.com/TheJourneyCommunityChurch/videos/412889570012361/ Go 1 Peter 1:22-25 Three Truths Motivate Us to Go Urgently: God uses people to rescue other people v.2 People are lost apart from a faith in Christ Those not rescued will be separated from God forever in hell

Journey 4.0

Journey 4.0 Week 2

Growing Relationally 1 John 3:11-18 Relationships are Essential Why are relationships essential? Relationships can help confirm your salvation. V 14, 16-18 Relationships keep me from giving in to sin.Who is helping you fight against sin?

Journey 4.0

Journey 4.0 Week 1

Gather Hebrews 10:23-25 Why does gathering faithfully matter: Faithfully gathering is the JOURNEY to ENGAGEMENT. Faithfully gathering is the primary reason for GROWING towards MINISTRY and MISSION!Ephesians 4:11-12

Online Worship

Online Worship December 27

https://fb.watch/2_WerWoggn/ Biblical Hope Confident expectation that God can and will keep His promises. Why do Christians have hope? Rescued from our past!Lamentations 3:21-24Hebrews 6:19 We’re assured of our future!Titus 3:4-7Ephesians 1:16-21

The Greatest Gift Ever

Greatest Gift Ever Week 2

https://www.facebook.com/TheJourneyCommunityChurch/videos/300825347998579/ John 1:1-14 Three Gifts God Gave Us Light where there was darkness.Jesus drives out darkness of sin.Jesus chases out darkness of death. Open InvitationVerses 7, 12 HimselfVerse 14

The Greatest Gift Ever

Greatest Gift Ever Week 1

Making Your Life Count Matthew 5:13-16 https://www.facebook.com/TheJourneyCommunityChurch/videos/961011957757391/ As a follower of Christ, do I aggravate and annoy others? Labels that SHOULD NOT describe us: Angry Christians 1 Thesolonians 2:7-8 Stuck up Christians Philippians 2:3 Fake Christians Matthew 23:23-38 As a follower of Christ, do I affect and attract others? Labels that SHOULD describe us: Committed… Continue Reading Greatest Gift Ever Week 1