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Sermons by Shawn Acrey (Page 15)

Dear Church Week 5: The Walking Dead

https://fb.watch/5oUv5M4RcN/ Revelation 3:1-61 Religious activity disguises spiritual death! v.1 Mercy is often available before judgement! v.2-3 Spiritual growth is a personal choice! v.4-5 Potential Outcomes: Miss out on deep, abiding relationship with Christ Crushed when suffering comes Setting yourself up to be spiritually deceived. Ephesians. 4:11-14

Dear Church Week 4: Hang on for Dear Life

https://fb.watch/5oUoXTCPHw/ Revelation 2:18-29 Be wise regarding compromise! v. 20-21If we are not careful in the area of compromise, we will end up in hot water and not even realize it until it’s too late.Scripture teaches an exclusive gospel, yet we live in an inclusive culture. We need to stand firm on what the Bible teaches.God hates sin,… Continue Reading Dear Church Week 4: Hang on for Dear Life

Dear Church Week 3: Contextualized or Compromised

https://fb.watch/56LSboBV8c/ Contextualized or Compromised Revelation 2:12-17 Faithful living is possible in worldly conditions! v.12-131 Corinthians 10:13Truth trancends culture. Don’t be deceived about bad company! v.14-16, Titus 3:9-11, 1 Corinthians 15:33 4 Questions to avoid compromise: Does the Bible clearly speak against it? Have I sought godly counsel about it? Does wisdom caution to avoid it? Does… Continue Reading Dear Church Week 3: Contextualized or Compromised

Dear Church Week 2: Getting the most out of suffering

https://fb.watch/56LMtX6mxy/ Getting the most out of suffering Revelation 2:8-11 What Jesus reassures us: Jesus identifies with our suffering! v. 8-9Jesus can identify with pressure!Jesus can identify with poverty!Jesus can identify with persecution! Jesus doesn’t want us to give in to fear! v.10Satan can’t take your salvation. He can only attack your emotions if you allow him… Continue Reading Dear Church Week 2: Getting the most out of suffering

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 6

https://fb.watch/4fcTbo6sWe/ Ready or Not Here I Come 2 Peter 3:11-18 How to be ready for Christ’s return: Eternal perspective should shape current living.    Holiness – taking serious what God’s word says (conduct)    Godliness – attitude Live in state of expectancy    How are you living? What are you living for? 1 John 2:28    It’s not too late to fix it.… Continue Reading Hope is Here Week 6

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 5

https://fb.watch/4fcC6cNReW/ Jesus, What Are You Waiting For? 2 Peter 3:1-10 Question 1: Is Jesus Really Coming Back? Answer: Jesus return is a dominant theme in scripture! (v.2, John 14:1-3, Acts 1:9-11) Answer: Doubters validate the prophecy of Christ’s return. (2 Peter 3:4) Answer: Jesus return is consistent with God’s patter of judgement.    Apart from God’s righteous judgement… Continue Reading Hope is Here Week 5

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 4

https://fb.watch/3YUo1RYTwT/ 2 Peter 2:12-22 False teachers are slaves to unashamed lust. (v. 12-14) False teachers cannot deliver on their promises. (v.17) What to watch out for Be wise to their approach. (v.18-19)    • Appeal to flesh    • Tell what you want to hear Be more enamored with a teacher’s life than his words.

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 2

https://fb.watch/3J1gZyoFAE/ 2 Peter 1:12-21 2 Truths about the Bible The Bible claims to be the very word of God. v. 21; Psalm 22; Isaiah 53 There is only one right interpretation to every verse! v. 20; Hebrews 1:1-2 One of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to help you understand the truth of God’s word.