We seek to make disciples who are
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Giving, and Going

Sermons by Shawn Acrey (Page 14)

Free at Last Sermon Series

Free at Last – Week 1

https://fb.watch/7fNz58cBSu/ Grace Got You! When we add to grace, it is no longer grace, verses 6-7, Romans 11:6, Romans 5:1-2 – grace is the foundation for Christian life• Poor teaching about grace in the local church• Poor modeling of grace in our homes Judgment awaits those who distort grace, verses 8-9

The Big Reveal

https://fb.watch/6oonaswQIp/ Matthew 28:16-20 The church is a missional organization.The church IS the mission.Matthew 28:16-20 The early church was attractive.Acts 2:42-47• Deeply devoted to each other• Better together• Radical generosity• Supernatural boldness They shared hope with hurting people. What happened? We are overcommitted. We have a poor theology of salvation. How do we fix it? Pray… Continue Reading The Big Reveal

Dear Church Week 6: Would Jesus Join Our Church?

https://fb.watch/5yaa8qAYWK/ Revelation 3:7-13 What Kind of Church Would Jesus Join: Jesus values FAITHFULNESS.Jesus is not looking for a fan club. He’s looking for followers.Faithfulness is more important than significance. Jesus deeply values the authority of scripture. How do we treasure God’s word: Seek its wisdom in EVERY area of our life. Submit ourselves to the… Continue Reading Dear Church Week 6: Would Jesus Join Our Church?