We seek to make disciples who are
Gathering, Growing,
Giving, and Going

Sermons on Matthew (Page 2)

Matthew 28:19

Matthew 28:18-20

Guest Speaker Alex Fisher Matthew 28:18-20 We are called to live out God’s mission. We need to submit to God’s authority.    Jesus is in authority whether or not you chose to acknowledge it. Make disciples    Disciple – someone who is actively following Christ We are called to rest in the presence of God. If you are a… Continue Reading Matthew 28:18-20

The Greatest Gift Ever

Greatest Gift Ever Week 2

https://www.facebook.com/TheJourneyCommunityChurch/videos/300825347998579/ John 1:1-14 Three Gifts God Gave Us Light where there was darkness.Jesus drives out darkness of sin.Jesus chases out darkness of death. Open InvitationVerses 7, 12 HimselfVerse 14

The Greatest Gift Ever

Greatest Gift Ever Week 1

Making Your Life Count Matthew 5:13-16 https://www.facebook.com/TheJourneyCommunityChurch/videos/961011957757391/ As a follower of Christ, do I aggravate and annoy others? Labels that SHOULD NOT describe us: Angry Christians 1 Thesolonians 2:7-8 Stuck up Christians Philippians 2:3 Fake Christians Matthew 23:23-38 As a follower of Christ, do I affect and attract others? Labels that SHOULD describe us: Committed… Continue Reading Greatest Gift Ever Week 1