We Can’t Wait to Meet You!
When you join us for a Worship Gathering at THE JOURNEY Community Church, you’ll find a group of friendly, real people dedicated to following Jesus. We want you to relax and come as you are! God doesn’t judge the outside appearance and neither do we, so dress however you like and enjoy your time with us!

When you arrive, you’ll find designated parking for guests, single parents and senior adults. If it’s raining, you can drop your carload off at the door.

If the parking lot next to the church is full, there is lots of other parking available. You can also park on the street or in the public parking lot for the park. See the orange outlines on the map to the right.
Where Do I Enter the Church?
You can enter on the north side of the church right next to the parking lot, or you can enter on the south side of the church, right next to Park Avenue.
We are not currently using the doors that face South Fifth Street.

A Warm Greeting
Once inside, you’ll meet welcoming faces pointing the way for you to begin your journey. A team member will point you towards free coffee or other drinks and snacks. They can also show you where to register your kids for Sunday school.

Journey Kids
You can have peace of mind when your infant, toddler, or grade-school child is enjoying THE JOURNEY Kids. We take this time with your children seriously, so please plan to spend about 5-7 minutes checking them in on your first visit. We have some security questions we’d like for you to fill out so your children will be safe and secure. From that point, you can relax knowing your children will be well taken care of!

Worship Gathering
You can expect THE JOURNEY Worship Gathering to last for about 75 minutes. We’ll honor your time by starting right at 10:00 am and end by 11:15 am. We invite you to fill out a connection card and drop it in the offering at the end of the gathering. As our guest, we do not ask you to give financially unless you feel led to do so. We also promise to never sell your information or show up unexpectedly at your home!